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Complaints Procedure:



We aim to provide a high quality of products and services for all our customers at all times, however, things go wrong from time to time. If they do, we need to know about it so we can put it right and learn from our mistakes.


Definition of a Complaint

A complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction with regards to:

  • The standard of service

  • Action or lack of action taken

  • Decision taken


  • We will always take complaints seriously and investigate them fairly.

  • All complaints will be dealt with, according to our customer complaint procedure.

  • The information provided by customers will be treated as confidential at all times.


When we receive a complaint we will:
  • Send an acknowledgement letter or e-mail within 5 working days of receipt of the complaint and notify the customer of the member of staff who is dealing with the complaint.

  • Send a written response to the initial complaint within 5 working days.

  • If the complaint progresses to either Stage 2 or Stage 3 of the Complaint Procedure, we will send the customer an acknowledgement letter or e-mail within 5 working days and a full written response within 5 working days.

  • We will always apologise and, where appropriate, include an explanation of what went wrong and what we have done to put things right.

  • The Company will use the outcome of complaints and any remedial action as a positive method of monitoring our performance and to make continual improvement to our services.


Customer Complaints Procedure

Stage 1 - Local Resolution

Initially, a complaint maybe made directly to the department responsible for the goods or services either in person, by phone, in writing or by e-mail.


Stage 2 - Referral to Customer Services Team 

Should a customer be unhappy with the response received, then they can ask to have the matter investigated by the Customer Services Team. The customer may request this in person, by phone, in writing or by e-mail.


Stage 3 - Referral to the Customer Service Director 


If the customer has been through stages 1 and 2 (above) and are still not satisfied, they appeal in writing to:


Managing Director: Mr Simon Adams - 


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Investors In Veterans © 2017


Designed and created by  CEO/Founder of ExFor+ C.I.C

ExFor+ C.I.C Registered within England and Wales with Community Interest Company Number: 09647390


Investors In Veterans LTD registered within England and Wales with Company Number: 10158741


Registered offices:

The Bristol Office, 2nd Floor 5 High Street Westbury On Trym, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS9 3BY




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