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About Investors in Veterans:​


Investors in Veterans is about showing those who serve which employers are investing in their future. If your organisation signs up you will be provided a digital certificate at Level 1 "Committed Organisation" status. If you do not wish to pursue the other accreditations there is no need to do so. However to maintain the Level 1 "Committed Organisation" status you will be required to purchase your membership on an annual basis.


Investors in Veterans will also be holding annual Awards the firs starting in 2019. Those who have membership and Level 1 "Committed Organisational" status with Investors In Veterans, will be eligible for the Awards.


Investors In Veterans established in 2018. Was developed from personal experiences of the CEO and Founder of ExFor+ C.I.C and MD of Investors in Veterans. 


He was Medically discharge from active service as a Royal Marine Commando due to injury. Finding it difficult to know who to turn too and where to go for the support and direction he needed not only for his personal health and wellbeing. But also for support of his family and for his prospective and future employment.


ExFor+ C.I.C is a Not for Profit Community Interest Company. Investors in Veterans is a private company. Yet 100% of the subscription fee and Investors in Veterans Symbol Upgrades and the funds generated from these which are classed as donations by IIV, will be  gifted/donated to ExFor+ C.I.C. to provide support and transitional employment for and to veterans. In line with the articles and objectives of ExFor+ C.I.C. supporting all veterans.


Their are some 4000+ Armed Forces Charities within the UK alone . This is increasing daily. Along with many more civilian focused charities that aim to support the group of individuals known as "the Veteran or Armed Forces community". 


The Charities are and have been established out of the good intentions of their founders. Yet there is now such significant duplication. No one actually knows who are providing the leading services. The charitable sector is currently governed by the charities commission. Who have limited understandng of Veteran related issues. Along with the work that's carried out and completed by the charities in the Veteran Support Sector.


Many organisations are now looking at the Veteran sector as one that is able to generate a significant income. One where big wages are paid. Within the significant administrative structures that they have developed over many years and a job for life. This is often the driver for organisations to be established without taking the Veteran into account. Investors in Veterans aim to provide a symbol. Which businesses, organisations and charities can show that they place the veteran at the forefront of their directions and intentions. As ExFor+ C.I.C. do by providing transitional and longterm employment opportunities to those who find themselves in difficulty.


Reducing and supporting in many areas:


  • Unemployment

  • Homelessness

  • Criminal Justice System

  • Education and much more

  • Health and Wellbeing 


When Charities form it is done so because an individual has a direction or desire to solve a problem that they have encountered. They feel their charity should be supported through charitable actions. A charity then has to go through the legal process of being accepted by the Charities commission. Creation of Object's and Articles, outline the purpose of the Charity. These are then fullfilled by the Trustees or a board of directors. This can often lead to a very riged way of working but one thats directed by the trustees and directors. It can often be one that does not always capsulise the entire community that the public often believe the charity supports.


This is where "Investors In Veterans" comes in.


Investors in Veterans with the support of the charities, organisations and prospective employers. Ensure that those within the Veteran community are supported.  


Many individuals within the United Kingdom. Look at only those that leave the service of HM Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Royal Air Force and Royal Marines) as Veterans. This is true by the definition of "Veteran". The term "Veteran" is also applicable to individuals that have served the United Kingdom. With Uniformed Public Services; Police, Fire brigade, Ambulance Service, NHS along with the Coastguard. Who often face difficulties and life threating scenarios on a daily basis.


The Investors in Veterans Symbol defines that as an employer you're committed to Investing in Veterans. "Those who've provided the security and way of life of their country". By having a progression coach that understands veterans. Attend your business at least once a year. To aid in learning what it takes to understand, support and manage those that have served. As well as enabling the provision of support to take place when support's needed. Enabiling not only longterm growth for social inclusion but sustainable results for all.


The Investors in Veterans further levels of support are underpinned by a rigorous assessment method and can be worked towards by requesting one of our consultants to support you, pricing for this can be found on "Consultant Fees". Working towards the further levels shows that your organisation places the veteran high within your individual and organisations understanding. Along with a support framework which reflects essential skills and effective structures. Required to support the Veteran community in any industry.

Performance management

Performance Measurement


The Investors in Veterans award framework is required to be embeded within an organsation, it will provide a true reflection of your current position and award standing, this will enable an organisation to understand their next steps and will provide scales for comparison. Using assessment data from the begining, middle and end of Investors in Veterans embedment, we will be able to show you how you compare year on year, to ensure you have a clear benchmark for performance.

Award Accreditation


With the Investors in Veterans award, you’ll not only be able to demonstrate your organisational support to the Veteran Community but also signify that you invest your time, money and understanding, the award will make sure that your efforts have not gone unoticed. Successful award against the Investors in Veterans framework is the sign of a great employer, an outperforming place to work and a clear commitment to longterm and sustainable support to the Veteran community that have served to protect you.

IIV Logo
Continious improvement

Continuous Improvement


Understanding where you currently stand on the awards scale and your organisations or personal goals and objectives are a driver to aid performance within your organisation, team or individual being.


Within service every member of the team strives for one purpose and this ethos will be passed on through embedding Investor in Veterans advisers within your organisation, team or by your side to enable continious growth, development and improvement.



Whatever sector or industry, size or market, organisations working with the Investors in Veterans will hopefully notice increased efficiency, productivity and employee engagement as these are all aspects that are embedded within the services culture.


Investors in Veterans aim for organisations to become more profitable, sustainable, optimistic about the future and team directed through the ability to be recognised for the support that they provide back to the community and the Veteran populous.


Celebrate Your Success


Since early 2018 the Investors in Veterans symbol, has been the sign of a Level 1 Committed,Level 2 Supportive and Level 3 Leading organisation, one that invests its time and understanding into its staff and the community, one from which they employ their staff, creating an outperforming place to work.


Understand Your Team


Your organisational report will tell you where you are and outline what you need to know to drive performance. Alternatively if you wish to stay as a Level 1 Committed organisation without working towards further certification of "Level 2 Supportive or Level 3 Leading" the ability to purchase one of the upgraded logo's can show your further support to the veteran community, this can be found on your membership page under "Upgrade you Symbol" to show your support for the United Kingdom Veteran Sector then you will be able to promote your generosity and recognition.   


Gain New Insights


We’ve refined the Investors in Veterans symbol journey from experiences learned both by serving and veteran members of service this is to ensure that every step provides the insight you need to succeed and learn, support, utilise and grow. 


Create Brand Advocates


Embed the values of continuous improvement by engaging your Veteran community members and staff in the processes of change within your organisation.  Making the right investments and changes to engbale the ethos of learn, support, utilise and grow. 




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